WorstFriend I won't tell you what this one is. It kills the magic.
Hmm, if not water, it looks like something soft but crystalline. Maybe a macro shot of years' worth of condensed drink spills on a bar table...
That and the one with the... fur(?) are my favourite ones of this set ^^
WorstFriend You have a good camera, and an even better eye.
Only the two city and car photos can be considered to be the camera doing a good job, as that one was taken with the Canon A-1, which has auto exposure. The rest are all with the purely mechanical GL690, so a lot of the time it's super hit or miss, especially given the weight of the thing.
I like to think I have a decent eye for things, but in reality these are some very finely cherry-picked examples ^^'7 That said, film photography (especially 6x9) is expensive, so it forces one to think a bit more carefully before opening the shutter. The downside is that I haven't been able to get a whole lot of good action pics.