2013 2023 has felt like a year of massive stagnation for me. The only really notable thing I can think of is getting an E36. I think I put a lot of things off because I wanted to get my flat renovation all out of the way, after all, it's made me unavailable for pretty much every Saturday since I bought the place over a year and a half ago.
Fortunately, the renovation work is nearing completion - it's still very much a building site, but all bar one of the kitchen units are in, after that all that's left is to paint the doors, put the new boiler in, paint, putting the floors in, etc.. So pretty soon, there should be a lot of visual progress in a short space of time, much like when we started tiling the bathroom.
So once it's all done, what I really need to do is improve my social life. I've been feeling really lonely recently, and bar the two or three times I've seen my uni friends this week year, the only people I'd really ever talk to were at work. Now I have some very good colleagues, so they're nice to be around, but I've instead found myself hating weekends. Sure, it's nice not having to get up at first light, but the isolation has really been getting to me recently. I'm at that age where friends are getting married, thinking about kids, while I'm just stressing over whether/how I should ask the cute new girl at the office out. Once I have my weekends back, I hope to be able to see others more often. Nobody invites me out to anything anymore, because the assumption is that I'm not free anyway.
Health is another thing I need to work on. Much like you, COUPLED, I gotta go to the gym. Fortunately, I'm strong enough to get almost anything I'd need done, but an image of masculinity I am not.