Hello there, how're ya doing? ^^
Yes, it's very chill here - far too chill >_>
(I fixed your Konata link for you <3)
malmon I've been doing well! Sorry for the pretty late response, had to go to classes. Did I mess up the link? I don't really understand the text markdown stuff here yet lol, sorry.
Hello and welcome!
Lorazepam Hihi! Thanks for the welcome!
milky No worries! Man, I wish I still had classes ^^' What're you studying?
You just had a https://https:// at the front of your link.
malmon Ohhhhhh, I thought I deleted that, guess not lol. I wanna study psychology but right now I'm getting gen ed classes out of the way, it's pretty easy so far but kinda boring, I just wanna poke poke at brain stuff :3
milky Heh, psychology seems to be a popular one ^^'
What're gen ed classes?
malmon General education, they're just required credits everyone at my college needs to graduate, tryna get those outta the way first.
milky Ooh, I see. We didn't have any such things at my uni - just straight up course material, and you needed a certain overall percentage to pass
malmon Dang, that sounds pretty cool... kinda wish my school was like this, but I don't mind being able to have a lot of free time from doing all my stuff so quickly either, ehehe.
milky Pretty sure that's just how it is generally in the UK. I guess you're in the US?
malmon Yeah, I'm in the States.
Welcome! I hope you don't have to take Calc II!
quintuplicate Haha, I don't think I'll have to, but fingers crossed. Math is not my strong suit.
milky Math major here.
(Man, I'm jealous, my intro thread got 10 replies in a week.)
quintuplicate woahhh...how does it feel being able to numbers? I could never.
(pat pat pat)
milky Welcome~ Nice to see things becoming abit more lively here. 🙂
quintuplicate Mhh, I like maths. What kind of maths are you doing? I just finished a masters in statistics. Mostly applied maths I guess, not the super theoretical stuff. Although we had to take a stochastics course at the maths faculty, which sucked.
milky how does it feel being able to numbers?
They wouldn't know - mathematicians mostly work with letters :^)
malmon AAAAAAAAAA!!! I like working with letters only when I'm writing...
milky I am a bad writer.
quintuplicate I love writing, or at least the idea of writing! I can never get myself to sit down and do it, I always daydream about it, ehehe. But also I don't really think any writing is bad, as long as there's soul behind it!