Got a better job. Pays better and has better hours. Not to mention the management is great. The funny thing about why I like it is that I don't have to talk to anyone and just do my own job for the entire shift.

    10 days later

    People actually just leave things everywhere? 😂
    That sounds pretty wild. And then there is me who won't even pick up an item unless I really want to read the label in the back because I was afraid of dirtying whatever I was picking up with the germs on my hands. If I pick it up I'll probably take it home.


    I usually stay behind to talk with other people. It's kind of fun for a few years. Better pay and better time are more important though definitely.

      水面の朧月 People actually just leave things everywhere?

      Yeah. It's usually one sort of person though. I shan't try to sound too elitist here though~

      水面の朧月 Better pay and better time are more important though definitely.

      eeeeeh, I dunno. There's definitely a balance to be struck. What's the use in making loads of money if you hate getting up in the morning every day?

      14 days later

      The new DUNE movie is amazing. I had the biggest smile on my face by the time the credits were rolling. ^__^

        5 months later

        Nice bike, what do you like about it most? I'm not a biker, so I have no idea.

          6 days later

          I found this one random site while I was going through my password manager to clean it up and sort everything. Turns out it's a forum I registered on a few years ago on a whim and not only is it still going strong, it also looks a lot cooler since I last visited it!

          I do feel a little bad for forgetting about this though.

          I wouldn't feel bad, most new people these days show up for one day, then disappear forever. The fact your back means you've done better than most.
          Also welcome, enjoy your time here

          5 months later

          I found out my university library is a Federal Depository Library and had a lot of fun looking at old government reports!
          (Yeah, yeah, I'm a nerd, I know...)

            malmon Just stuff like past budgets. (I'm weird, I know...)

            But they don't print 'em like they used to. My hands smelled so good after flipping through them.

              quintuplicate Old government reports and the places they are stored in are so precious! I had to leave through dozens of old federal statistics books for a research job once, for which I visited the special library of the state statistics bureau here in Berlin, Germany. The old lady managing the library was quite fidgety the whole time and she also offered me coffee and cake, which I gladly accepted. After I was done, I had to write my personal information into the "visitors book". I was the 6th person to visit the library that year (this was in November). 😃

                5 months later

                For once, I've actually got plenty of time to sleep tonight. c:

                This paragraph from the Flying Circus corebook got a good snicker out of me.

                Waiting for my ride home and listening to Foreplay/Long Time by Boston, I busted out an epic air guitar solo at work. Hell yeah! =D

                3 months later

                It's "Take Your Child to Work Day", here at the Courts. I don't have any kids, but it sure is fun seeing everyone else's children roaming the IT office space, eyes wide with wonder at the humming machines and hardware we've got lying around. ^~^

                a month later

                Heheheheh. Was sitting next two these two bronze statues outside at work, dressed in a suit. These two people walked up, and weren't sure whether I was a sculpture or not.

                They asked, "Are you real?"
                To which I replied, "Sure am!"