WorstFriend That's pretty interesting... Of course nothing bad would have happened - it's just sleep paralysis! But yeah, some sort of shadowy or demonic presence is a common feeling, so it's rather suprising that your experiences have been largely positive.
WorstFriend One time I had it while still dreaming, so I saw both my dream and my room with my eyes open.
I think I've had this happen too! This is what tends to make it scary... That you're "awake", but you can't move. You're never too sure if it's just sleep paralysis, or real paralysis, until the rest of your body catches up ^^'
WorstFriend I can see things around me with my eyes closed when I'm falling asleep
This state might be pretty common too... or at least some form of it. Like some people feel like they're falling just before falling asleep, which can suck because it wakes you right up again ^^' I sometimes get hypnic jerks before falling asleep, which always feel a bit strange.