Fucking whining ass people. Listen, Donald Trump isn't as bad as the media plays him out to be. Have you even REALLY listen and read his views? He's pro-life, he leaves the problems of minium wage, gay marriage, and other various things to the states. Which I think is a good idea, the president shouldn't decide everything, sure, we might not be asa united as we were made to be, but leaving the states up to decisions will create a more diverse country, and it COULD be a good thing for all we know (if it's used correctly). Donald Trump also wants to keep illegal immigrants out, he doesn't want to deport any LGBTQ's or gay people. What he wants to do is kick out people who refuse citizenship (which is pretty easy to get), refuse our language and our way of living but yet refuse to leave. So what he wants to do is he wants to kick those people out, and so do I. Anyone who refuses our way of life in the US should be deported and removed. It's OUR country, not yours. We've grown to become accustomed to changing things for other races, adding languages into something mandatory to be able to get the job you've always dreamed of. But for some reason, for the life of you, you cannot learn a language. Instead of accustoming to them, they should accustom to us. And that's what Donald Trump thinks, so I'm going to take the time to say this
I believe in PRESIDENT Trump.
I don't support LEGITIMATE misogyinistic views, or his LEGITIMATE racist views. But what's hilarious and frustrating is people seem to believe is that he's misogynistic, racist, sexist, and all around hitler. And to the people who think that..... you can kindly go fuck yourself for not giving the guy a chance. G'day.