I think drugs have their place in life, most notably for medical use. Responsible users are... okay, but anything beyond that (addicts) is a big no-no. Therefore, I don't think it wise to be offering drugs to anyone unless you can be assured they will use drugs responsibly, or else they easily have the potential to de_stroy someone's entire life/future. Even if it's a seemingly harmless drug, a seemingly harmless drug can lead to curiosity, leading to not-so-harmless drugs. (Side affects beyond ones that directly affect your mental and physical health include addiction to the extent of buying drugs even when you cannot afford them, which can - in worst case scenarios - lead to stealing in able to afford drugs, prostitution, or any number of terrible money-making vices.)
Therefore, given the current state of maturity & intelligence (or lack thereof) amongst the general population, I think it incredibly unwise to have drugs open to the public. I would not do drugs myself; I fully believe I have the mental and physical stability to live my life without, and there are better ways to entertain oneself or bring oneself into a better state of mind.