I love it, I'm listening to Sailor Moon's locket melody while this is playing the in background. It's a pretty comfy feeling. rainymood.com
idek wrote: I love it, I'm listening to Sailor Moon's locket melody while this is playing the in background. It's a pretty comfy feeling. rainymood.com
I fucking love that website. I love you. Marry me?
Kaneki wrote: idek wrote: I love it, I'm listening to Sailor Moon's locket melody while this is playing the in background. It's a pretty comfy feeling. rainymood.com I fucking love that website. I love you. Marry me?
yes Loading Image
Rain is awesome as long as it isn't non-stop and isn't super cold. It has a way of washing away emotional pain, too, which makes it all that much more important as far as I'm concerned.
Rain is the best weather. Cool temps, relaxing sound.
We don't have rain.
Just hurricanes and more powerful hurricanes.
Waifu, I live in the panhandle of Florida, I know all about those hurricanes. What're they like where you live?
My favorite type of day