Just my two cents:
Alright, first things first, I’m a liberal. I’m also a fan of political debate and would like to think I’m fairly tolerant of opposing views, no matter how much I disagree with them.
Now, when I first saw Uzinero’s status and the politics channel in Slack, I was pretty uncomfortable. Still, I decided that I didn’t want to be very disruptive as a new member of the community, and that as a former avid user of tumblr, I needed to get thicker skin and give Uzi and Saikou the benefit of the doubt.
Now I can acknowledge that although I really, really disagree with their politics (almost to an extreme degree), I find Uzi to be a fairly reasonable guy. Cutehat is also a nice fellow and shares their politics. I don’t know Saikou well at all, but I assume he’s a decent human being.
Still, I can see how those things would put off a ton of decent people that may be somewhat interested in the community
The thing about politics in the forums outside politic-focused groups is that not only are they a very polarizing subject, but they’re alienating if you don’t belong to the majority group or have no interest in arguments or debate.
The other problem I see is that the current pol group in Discord is oversaturated with the same political views. Just like hanging out in /r/theredpill or tumblr sjw blogs or /pol/, being exposed to the same views and opinions is not good for fully fleshed open minded development of politics. It’s a breeding ground for unchallenged opinions that for obvious reasons is not healthy.
Now, it’s also partially my fault for not joining in on the conversations, but since I’m outnumbered at any angle, it’s pretty intimidating.
Are you against ‘anti-racist propaganda’ because it’s anti-racist, because it’s propaganda, or both? Not judging, just curious.
TL; DR: I’m a liberal; politics are polarizing; let’s make a politics channel that isn’t only /pol/, and let’s keep politics where they belong.
if the problem is enough to make a
user feel as if they should leave, then it's getting a bit bad.
Agreed, to a certain extent. agreed on this case.
"boycotting" an open forum until free speech is removed, is the lowest you can get.
Give Compa a break, they just want to be on a set of forums that doesn't have racism or politics popping up everywhere. Attacking them personally is not very helpful at all.