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Some elements of this skin are different for HD and SD. The reason for that is that some aspects are better visible on a bigger screen, hence there's no need to be overly safe with, for example, wide hitcircles or standing out cursor. If you're playing on a big screen, but wish to play the SD version, just run the sd.bat file inside the skin folder. It will remove all the "@2x" files in the skin, making the game use the original, smaller files. You'll have to redownload the skin, however, if you wish to play HD again.
You can download it here:
Preview (SD version): maybe soon
And with it, the works on 2.0 are slowly underway. To make it simpler, I'll include here a list of what's to come - if you want to see in 2.0 something that's not on the list, post with the suggestion!
support for other game modes (CTB, Taiko and Mania)
kaosu!explorer rewritten so it's compatible with this skin (kaosu!explorer is a little simple program I wrote for another skin of mine, kaosu, that lets you preview choose and replace various skin elements with a simple click)
[spoiler title="1.0"]Yes, it is done. The very first version of the dedicated skin for lewdies, freshly baked and delivered straight to your door. The skin has been thoroughly tested and is indeed playable.
What can you find in 1.0?
HD support
customizable scorebar
a variety of qts
not really SFW content
sound effects
What can't you find in 1.0? (coming soon)
Inside the skin folder you'll find a file named 'sd.bat'. You can open it up to make the skin completely SD, so remove all the HD content from the folder. Recommended for those experiencing lags during gameplay.
osk - click!
rar - click!
How to install:
osk - simply double-click it, it'll extract itself to the proper location and run osu with the selected skin.
rar - unpack it to osu!/Skins folder.
If you have an error with this skin, namely:
In C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Lewd!\skin.ini
In [General]
Line 16 : Expected type int32 (name = AnimationFramerate)
just delete the underlined line (line 16) from skin.ini. It was added because the version of osu I ran had 1 frame per second for animations for some reason, and it's no longer needed. The skin will be updated soon, though, so there shouldn't be a problem after that.[/spoiler]