So questions please vote
- Elements? Yes or nah
It's up to you! Personally I think it'd be interesting to imagine a character who's had a particular affinity all their life, plus they make great frameworks for beginner writers, as I discovered way back in the day. That said, it could also complicate the magic system significantly. ^^
- Create a quest for immortality (can still die) or new hero by each era (chapter)?
I don't think our heroes should die, period. That'd be no fun, especially in what's supposed to be a fun, lighthearted roleplay to pass the time. >.<
- Morality rep? Evil, Neutral, Good
Now this, I don't think should stay. "Evil", "Neutral", and "Good" are all subjective terms, and the nature of one's character ought to be revealed through actions and backstory, rather than words.
- Fame and reputation per city or all world?
Why not both? One could be known as a saint in their backyard, but essentially unknown elsewhere. Perhaps doing certain quests for certain characters could increase Realmwide Renown? c:
- Weapons will change by era. Your character have its own or be also with world weapons?
Weapons should be kept temporally consistent, but aesthetically different IMO. For example there were hundreds of different types of shields, swords, and spears in real life, but their names, appearances, and most importantly the techniques of using them were all different. For convenience's sake, I'd leave those aspects to the players to decide. ^_^
That said, if you're really dead-set on there being multiple characters spanning multiple eras, I think it'd be interesting to see how armor and weapons develop in a fantasy setting. It's up to you!
- More than 1 character at a time?
It's up the the player! Though it's certainly not for the faint of heart.
- Levels?
Levels are just a game mechanic meant to keep people coming back. It's your choice whether you'd like to implement them. c:
- By rep or quests you obtain Tittles? Or custom and by fame all know you?
I read that as "Titties". Also I don't think I understand this question. >.<