Game is over. We didn't have enough time.
Should of set up a battle system. Was suppose to be turn based. AND NO MULTI HITS thats cheating as if enemies did it too would be instant kills.
Each ruler had a stone that would open the Door. Which the party always choose to not see it...
Flandre had the Wrath Stone (Red) which grant 3x damage to their weapons/attacks.
The Mayor had the Pride Stone (Blue) which grants 20% bonus to all stats. Life, block, damage, speed.
Ivy the Arache Quuen had the Lust Stone (Pink) which grant power to have compaions who fought and would take all range damage you'll take.
Dr Fransitine had the Greed Stone (Green) which grant 5x gold from any source.
ScareCrow had the Sloth Stone (Purple) which granted you to miss a turn to deal 2x damage next turn.
Lilith the Demoness had the Envy Stone (Yellow) which granted you to get the best item from chests.
The Blob had the Gluttny Stone (Orange) granted double health.
Last boss was the Pumpkin man you seen in the beginning which at the boss battle (auto start after 7th stone collected)/ Was able to deal 100 damage aka 10 pumpkins.
After you collected one stone his minions would of tried to stop you.
Pumpkin Wraith (20hp)
HorseMan (10)
Anywho that is all. Hopefully next time not a set time one and a bit more thinking from my side. Like they say first hand learning is the best.