I just read The Dead by Joyce, which I suppose is a section of Dubliners. I thought it was short and sweet, but it was like a slice of life in book form, I could see how reading a full length book of this could get tiresome, even though I do enjoy his style of writing, very short and concise but conveys who the characters are just by their actions and small hints. Overrated though.
I also finished The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto, interesting reading the teachings of one of the best 17th century swordsmen, but it's essentially just him shit-talking other schools of fighting and saying that a pragmatic and dirty style of fighting is best and ending every paragraph with "this needs to be studied thoroghly". It's got some nice wisedom in short spurts though, but nothing too profound.
Next up is "The Book of Family Traditions and the Art of War" by Yagyῡ Munenori, only because I have a copy at home and I just finished Five Rings.