Sorry for the delay replying! I got distracted by lunch and the internet.
All in One wrote:
What is your dream job?
How many hours do you spend on the internet a day?
Asuka or Rei?
Do you have a waifu?
What is your favorite piece of classical music?
1. I'd have to say software engineer at a cool workplace with cool coworkers doing cool work. Software has been my hobby for the last 5 years while new hobbies have come and gone, it's really been the only consistent one, so it's pretty likely to be where I end up.
2. As many as possible. Too many. About 11-13h on a weekend, 7-9h on a weekday.
3. I've actually not watched Evangelion. I should, it's a classic.
4. Yes I do, see my user profile.
5. I couldn't really say, I haven't really gotten into classical, I feel I don't really understand or appreciate it yet, so I couldn't say.
yumiyacchi wrote:
1.- Favorite song
2.- Pick one live concert you would like to attend
3.- What kind of videogames do you like to play?
- Changes daily, weekly. If I had to pick it'd be Time by Pink Floyd. It's just such a good song with lyrics I relate to.
- Porter Robinson's Worlds tour, I've listened to the remakes (and the recent leaks, which are way better) so many times and I get blown away every time.
- I really don't play many videogames. I never really had a gaming experience until I was 10-ish. After that I started gaming quite a bit, but now that's tailed off and the most I play is the odd civ game with friends.
Remilia Scarlet wrote:
Do you have a garden?
Cupcakes or muffins?
Favorite flower?
First job?
If you could have anything what would it be?
1. Yes! Although I don't go out in it nearly enough. Here's an image: [spoiler][/spoiler]
2. Muffin.
3. Oh fuck off I only know the names of like 3.
4. I haven't had a full-time paid job yet, i'm only 17. I did however have some work experience back in the summer of '15 that was really interesting. The programming was extremely shitty PHP who's author clearly hadn't heard you could write your own functions. But I didn't push for a refactor, I was only there a week. The most interesting thing about it was that the place was actually a datacenter, and the few employees there were only ops people, working on internal tooling for the company. So it was my first time in a real datacenter, doing some ops/repair jobs as well. They were a geoscience company mainly, so they had several tens of petabytes of online storage, and countless amounts of cold data on tapes which could be loaded into gigantic tape decks. They also had quite a bit of GPU compute. God were those GPU racks noisy and excruciatingly hot.
5. Enough money, gradually delivered, to live a fairly modest life without work, but not enough to be extravagant. I think the latter would make me a cunt.
GlassMoon wrote:
Fun thread! I hope it stays fairly active because this is a great way to get to know each other. Some thinkers for the current hotseat:
What is the earliest meme you remember experiencing on the internet? (i.e., you saw it when it was fresh and new)
What's the longest movie you've ever seen?
Favorite season?
Favorite mythological figure?
Have you ever been told you look like a famous person? If so, who?
1. Gosh that's hard. My memory is bad, sorry. Just goes to show memes are ephemeral.
2. Probably the LOTR films.
3. Autumn. Things are cooling down after summer and you've found your purouse in life again after wasting your summer holidays. But college hasn't ramped back up fully yet and you're having a good time.
4. Don't know, honestly. I'm not really interested in that stuff, although I hear a lot of it from friends who do classics.
5. Ron Weasley. Fuck my life.
- No, although I feel like I could enjoy it if it was someone I loved.
- I never remember my dreams.
- Roll over. If I have time I fap then browse reddit. Other wise it's straight out of bed to a shower and breakfast.
- No. My parents take long cycling holidays (several weeks) to continental europe almost every year. Plus they generally never liked pets. I could feasibly get one now that I'm old enough not to join them cycling, but I guess I don't feel responsible. Maybe when I move out.
- I have no idea. Maybe Kat. I'm so uncreative.
- My room, although I don't feel appreciably more safe there than outside. I guess I don't really think about these things? I don't live in an unsafe area.
- Yeah, my mind tends to wander. Sometimes thinking about what I'm working on or a tool/project I could build to improve my day. On the more traditional daydreamy side, thinking through what I would do if I had money/power/superpowers. Or how those powers would work, sometimes in alternate physics, sometimes just future technology that's theoretically possible.
- "A Ride In The Neon Sun" by Josie Dew. A pretty good book on Japan, though a bit dated now. It would be a good read, even if on a fictional place.
- Probably "A Ride In The Neon Sun" too. it's pretty big.
- I don't need this often. When i'm at the computer sometimes i'm being unfair/annoying/in a bad mood and I just need to take some time away. So I do that. When out and about and someone's being angry at me I just breathe and count.
EDIT: damn this is a long-ass post.