tn5421 wrote:
I don't understand how you can be an anime fan and be right wing, though, they seem more or less incompatible.
Protectionism vs importing, etc etc.
I am fiscally conservative, a bit spread out on social issues but most would consider me quite far out on the right end, that being said, the only aspect that really makes anime less compatible with the general notion of what conservatism is about, is that it often goes against sexual conservatism (homosexuality, transsexualism in varying degrees, etc.) in my eyes. However sexual conservatism is heavily tied with Evangelical Christianity which is essentially a North American thing, however, the sure are many Abrahamic religions which are outright against this type of thing too. Many anime do encourage strong ties with traditionalism, family values, embracing innate gender-typical behaviours and so on - which is why many leftist outlets have started attacking anime as of late.
Having a strong cultural identity does not mean one can't enjoy certain aspects of other cultures, if we all let go of our own separate and unique cultures and embrace some sort of global, unanimous mega-culture the joy of exploring the world and what it has to offer goes away.