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New design looks great!
Bookmarked it I will definetly check it out. I really love the website design. :3
I think I visited this site once a month or two back. I need to say it looks better now gj
Thanks for the nice comment guys <3 anyone looking to help out and do reviews?
Omoi wrote: Thanks for the nice comment guys <3 anyone looking to help out and do reviews?
Yeah, sure! Just as long as I'll be able to cross-post 'em here. Do I need to fill out an application or somethin'?
Backlash wrote: Omoi wrote: Thanks for the nice comment guys <3 anyone looking to help out and do reviews? Yeah, sure! Just as long as I'll be able to cross-post 'em here. Do I need to fill out an application or somethin'?
What you mean "cross-post" and you got skype or discord?
dis is gud shit
SkullCandyy wrote: dis is gud shit
yup it is ^-^
Already wrote a review there :3
yumiyacchi wrote: Already wrote a review there :3
Post it here! Lewd could use the activity.
Backlash wrote: yumiyacchi wrote: Already wrote a review there :3 Post it here! Lewd could use the activity.
Yeah ^.^
Done some christmasy updates, merry xmas.
Bumping 🙂 check it out
Yuu wrote: Neato background on your site, from what anime is that? Looks cool. Edit: Nevermind, just found out it's from "Kimi no wa". Looks really good! Going to check it out.
Neato background on your site, from what anime is that? Looks cool.
Edit: Nevermind, just found out it's from "Kimi no wa". Looks really good! Going to check it out.
Thanks 🙂
Bumping ma thread