Guts wrote:
laifot wrote:
Why is that? i mean FMA Brotherhood is far superior than the "normal" FMA, i'd only change the final episodes from Brotherhood but it's a bloody masterpiece nonetheless.
Yes I agree. However I see Brotherhood as dark compared to FMA. FMA is light hearted and comedic when comparing it to Brotherhood. I don't think someone should start on a serious anime in my personal opinion.
"Near the end of the series, Rosé returns again, this time as the holy mother of her town. During the rebellion in Reole, half of her race had been slaughtered and she had been captured by the military and assaulted and raped by a soldier. Due to the trauma of being raped and as a result, impregnated, she became a mute".... Not exactly... "Light hearted and comedic"
Anyways welcome @"Ice" enjoy your stay here.