What I have here is my old school wooden workdesk that never gets old, Logitech speakers, keyboard and mouse, and an auto backup power supply unit in case of blackouts. I have a modem with four slots (4 computers fit for a family of four), a router as my overall connection indicator, running on Windows 7, a highly sophisticated single HDMI LED Senseye 3 4k monitor, and my tower is CM STORM. Inside my workdesk's only storage cabinet are all my school supplies, a few important memories from my younger years, and a few additional storage containers.
Sorry, I have no pics depicting my two floor apartment room, but to my interpretation, it feels kinda small but neater and not as claustrophobic than most people's stations. The room I am occupying now all to myself was used by someone else years before I moved in, so the condition back then was a tad bit terrible, they even tend to smoke and messed up one of the two windows a little.
EDIT: Ah, here it is, nothing too fancy with my desktop background.
