Actually moeki is moer than moe so it's moeki/10.
Uncross that out because you're god damn right.
Not bad, RX14. slow clapping I give you at least a 5/10. Now, what about me?
Has potential, but is very squished. Now if it was a bit more square...
7/10, very minimalistic
She's no Yozora, but she's still a total qt. :3
Edit: 8/10
I'm happy to have you around with me, my friend! 10/10! <3
A little hard to get a good view of the girl but she looks cute and the butt shot is appreciated
Aheagos are 10/10 but this is a 8/10
misaki best girl 10/10
Depending on the context, that may be one of my fetishes. Expression is rather dull though. But it does work well as an avatar! 7/10
I can't resist the cuteness aura emanating from you! 10/10! <3
Aspect ratio is a little off. 6/10 until you fix it, but once you do it will be 8/10
Big breasts thumbs up I say 7/10 (don't hurt me please) :3
11/10 overload of cuteness. Girls eating = win.
Neko = 9/10
Nice outfit with a tie, minus the smoke. 8/10
7/10 for the fox tail and purple hair alone
Ceres wrote: 7/10 for the fox tail and purple hair alone
would cuddle/10
I'm ok with your pic, so 7/10.
7/10 background would be cool