I just recently finished the main story in Alien Isolation and loved it! I'm a huge fan of the Alien movie series and this captured the setting and atmosphere perfectly! Now I'm going through survival mode which is also awesome but sadly there's not a ton of extra content 🙁 So what are you playing?
I'm currently playing Ocarina of Time for the 100th time. Never gets old tbh... Might replay GTAV after.
I mostly just play CSGO though..
Mostly been playing CS:GO surf and bhop, I know its better on source but I cbf. Only really play it because its mindless and I can chill and listen to music
I mainly play simulator games these days as they're usually pretty quick to hop into.
Trying to go pro in Catch the Beat, I heard the ladies will love me.
World of Warcraft mainly. Haven't played at all this expac so leveling/gearing all my characters to prepare for Legion.
I'm pretty into playing Yugioh online atm, I'm aight and got a good grasp on the current meta decks kinda.
Lots of Crusader Kings II, ArmA 3 and osu! and tribalwars.
Black Ops 3 and some Fallout 4!
At this very moment Modded Minecraft.
Well just before coming on here, I was playing Portal 2 🙂
Currently playing through the dark souls trilogy :3
Currently playing Dragonball