Please list your steam profiles and your current ranks... you can list your ranks before the update too, if it makes you feel more secure.
Rank: MG2 Before the update: LE
Rank: Supreme / Global
My rank has been consistent global or supreme depending on if I fuck around in MM or not.
Rank change didn't effect me because I don't suck. :loser: :cool:
Rank: Unranked (probs silver)
I play deathmatch occasionally, Im decent with a SCAR-20 and Five Seven, but suck with everything else, I cant even defuse a bomb
Aiba wrote: Rank: Unranked (probs silver) I play deathmatch occasionally, Im decent with a SCAR-20 and Five Seven, but suck with everything else, I cant even defuse a bomb
You da man. I suck with the auto-rifle. Hate it compared to the awp or scout :wat:
I don't own CS:GO, but I have all the CS games prior to it. I played them for a while, then played GO on a friend's computer. Is it just me, or are the firearms and general handling in CS:Source much more accurate than the ones in CS:GO?
Rank: nope
Never play comp, only surf tbh.
Steam: Rank: Unranked
PC too bad to run casual to get rank 3 to play comp.
GE/Supreme, have an account banned for griefing at the moment. :C Apparently overwatch doesn't like me kill my best friend over and over.