Now there is this great philosopher that I follow up on a bit with my ideals and so on in this universe. His name is Alan w.Watts and he talks regularly about anything but he has passed away which is okey. He died a long time ago now I would say. Anyhow I wanted to talk a bit about Death and what it is from my perspective, I would love to see your reply and your perspective of death , for an example is death good or bad ?
Considering if you did not die, if you were immortal we would overcrowd ourselves leaving not enough food to everyone and educational space.
It is bad because you will feel sad that you can not talk to this person anymore.
Now if you think about death it might be different due to religion and ideals, but if you think strictly about this and say to yourself, "what is death?"
Well, you do certainly not know but if you think of it this way;
Think of it like going to sleep but never waking up.
Then if you think about that long enough you will come up with a new question of yoga in your mind which is,
What was it like to wake up after never going to sleep?
These two questions are both ways of making you think more into it.
Now that you are stuck between these questions and thoughts just drop them, because why would death be a bad thing. It is not a bad experience if that is what you think. If you think you will be experiencing a life within darkness in a funeral chest near a gravestone? No!
I believe death is a way to give away a torch such as Alan w.Watts mentioned in one of his videos below.
You give away your responsibilities to the next generation as it is time for them to work and not you. You can rest now and discover the truth about death.
I could have gone on for the longest time but I believe I need to sleep at the moment.
I took a lot of I would say ideals from this man and I have not sensed too much of my own judgement of death into this thread as I would say I just cheerish the times I have at the moment and I am accepting death as a good thing.
No one told you it is a good thing to go on living, to go on surviving. Who told you that is a good thing? No one, you learned that yourself through education, media and society that surrounds you. There is this thing that tells you that you must go on living which is wrong, you do not need to go on living. You can exit anytime and I am saying this not sounding as I support suicide or god knows what but I say this to give you an option if a person can have an option of death and life he/her will choose himself not having society choose for him/her.
Anyhow it is late and I probably already said a lot of the content from this philosophers lecture anyway.
Enjoy your day with a smile while it lasts.