The stupidity of our own species throwing itself into the next great conflict before even the first half of the 2020s is over may well be conflicting all the years I spent on my own alternate reality settings, and might be as non-canonical thanks to the mishandling of diplomatic moves and blatant warmongering of a single country. And because of this, there's no way I can continue such works of mine for an uncertain future.
Poland? I never heard a single word out of that language, ever since the last time I played Worms, when I think of you, I think of the UK, but confirmed to have Polish-speaking worms, so it might be that the UK was a temporary vacation for the past few years for you. Possibly up to millions of Ukrainians would definitely seek out Poland as a refuge, others sought Hungary, Romania, Moldova, and other NATO countries. For me, I would reach 26 and would just not be called in, but even then, I'll give them hell with my extraordinary smarts.
In case you can't reach us, the united West guide you to the very end. 😁
Only in Russia can you glimpse at their distorted view of events on their TVs tricking the victim [Ukraine] to thinking they're the real menace, even destroyed a war memorial dated back to the previous world war. Dehumanizing to say the worst that any country can do such a thing. And not to forget they still have the largest nukes on board ready to go at his order. Luckily enough in small numbers by now, some diplomats and citizens think the war is unpopular, but it falls on deaf ears at the hands of the powerful few. Even if he has little or no rubles within the month or two, he wouldn't care. He's even trying to reach China for some "pick-me-up" money whatever he can get.
Outside of the conflict, I'm expecting to see a bit of periodic hiccup on the load times on their numerous modding sites, not all of them, since some of the best gaming mods presented to many great games ever made over the years comes from Russia, before Japan, S. Korea, China, Brazil, Indonesia, and others followed suit. It would've been a real shame had Russia been acting this way all along earlier, I wouldn't had started modding my games at all, and the modding audience would've been a lot smaller.