It's absolutely nutty that I live at a time where I can use the wayback machine to see a forum account of mine from 8 years ago. A blast from the past. Still have my e-mail from when I was a moderator on there too. vBulletin was still the go-to for forum software as well.
Edit: Jesus fuck I found a video from 2011 that I uploaded to Youtube. CRT Monitor with hackforums open. LOL
Edit 2: WHAT THE FUCK. Another video of me showing off the player moderator section of the Runescape forums when I was a member of Why did I make these things?!
Edit 3: WE'RE GOING DEEP TONIGHT BOYS. Logged into my old mediafire account from 2010-2013. Apparently I started blossoming as a weeb around 2013, which makes some sense.
Edit 4: I was a bad person. 🙁
Edit 5: Found some PSD's from when I was an aspiring graphic designer. Lul
Some dude won a contest and I made him a Xbox controller per his request.
I made an album cover. It's horrible and I cannot fathom how he must've felt with this shitty "work." If you could even call it that LOL. He still used it, just added text.
Edit 6: A remnant of the first black friend I ever had and to days when I thought I was a cool 1337 hacker.
Edit 7: Well that was a wild ride. This is enough stuff for me to keep myself awake by sheer cringe factor alone for at least a month.