Before you die, would there be a quote you would want to leave behind to anyone/everyone? I'm curious to see what everyone will say.
"I may die, but my legend will live on."
Actually, I don't think I'll have a quote to leave behind I'd rather be forgotten tbh
"ayy lmao"
to be honest i wouldn't leave any quote behind
"literally dead right now LOL"
Either that or my sig.
"U wot m8?" - Uzinero, 2145.
Uzinero wrote: "U wot m8?" - Uzinero, 2145.
lived a long, good life
i'd probably say something but i have so many things i would have to say........ "pass the salt," maybe?
In the end it was all just a fleeting feeling.
"Perseverance is power."
Assuming my mother is there.
See you later.
Remember me as a hero huehuehue
fck muoney bitches get
"I'll be back"
"Man, it's surprisingly hard to engage in mass murder." -Kazuki Hoshino