Oatmeal, instant ramen, beef stew.
A viscous organic glaze dipped in a special unique sauce for my taste, topped with a fine mixture of eau de du froid.
[spoiler]Spit and water.[/spoiler]
mayunaise wrote: A viscous organic glaze dipped in a special unique sauce for my taste, topped with a fine mixture of eau de du froid. [spoiler]Spit and water.[/spoiler]
very exquisite taste you have there
i'm eating some red grapes
Had Meatloaf and potatoes for lunch... Now I'm having Rockstar Punched for Mid-Work drink.
mumu wrote: Utsutsu wrote: I ate 2 small pancakes with cheese. what kind of cheese
Utsutsu wrote: I ate 2 small pancakes with cheese.
I ate 2 small pancakes with cheese.
what kind of cheese
had some potatoes and steak with salad of course yum
Chicken marsala, beer bread, salad with lemon vinaigrette dressing, and half a bottle of Viu Manent carmenère.
For breakfast, I had eggs, sausage patties, a biscuit, and some grits. For lunch, I had a peanut butter sandwich. For dinner, I had fried catfish (my favorite) along with a side of crinkle-cut french fries.
I had omelet and nasi goreng.
Alcohol and raw espergass!
more swedish meatballs
i bet @[deleted] had more croissants
Burger and fries.
pastaaaaaaaaa which i got food poisoning from
Pb and J, bananas , apples, broccoli, sweet potatoes, a veggie chicken patty, and pasta. :3
I had a peanut butter sandwich, then later ate a big dinner of roasted meatballs with gravy, mashed potatoes, wild rice, black-eyes peas, brussel sprouts, and Italian bread.
Hamn and eggs, and pasta, then more ham
So far, shredded wheat with soya milk and a cinnamon whirl. Planning to eat some fish with rice later.
another ham and cheese + solami sub......
Just in case there's any confusion, the cinnamon whirl was not together with the shredded wheat and soya milk. But now that you mention it, it does sound like it might be quite nice. Hopefully I'll remember to get an extra pastry next time I'm shopping!
Steak with Broccoli for lunch at work.