For the new members whom have never actually seen me make a thread, you can click away now as you probably won't know me or care, but for those who have known me for a while now and are interested as to why I'll be away, I created this thread for you.
I'm not really sure if this is the right place to write this thread so feel free to move it to another. >.<
I legit didn't even know how to make a thread, even though I've been here actively for several months now. I just don't have interesting things to put I guess.
Ok, now to the main topic.
Currently, I am in the process of moving house. As I write this, I'm at school and tonight we'll be commuting to another property. I don't have internet for a good week, or well over, and I'll be pretty busy from here on out.
It's kind of sad that we were forced out, after living here for 13/14 years.
My next door neighbors a couple of weeks ago smashed our front windows and broke into our house yelling violently, at 8pm. I won't go into too much detail, I just wanted to tell you guys that I'll be gone.
If you're interested, feel free to ask @Rii on Discord or @Nanashi .
I don't mind people knowing, it doesn't bother me. 😛
We're doing fine.
Cya later. o/