Had a major surgery this past week on one of my pinched nerves... Recovery has so far been smooth, thankfully, though I'll still be hurtin' like hell till the nerve fully decompresses.
On the bright side though, I've currently got the pleasure of trying out my first opioid. Heheh, and I tell ya, it's been a real treat these past few days. Best way I could describe it is... You find all the problems of the world have suddenly faded away, and if you're sitting still, you become very, very sleepy.
But, it's not like those cheap sleep aids made from Benadryl [Diphenhydramine]. Those medicines, and others like them, have always seemed to drain my consiousness away, almost forcefully.
Opioids are a kinder sort. As you let yourself down easy on your bed or the couch, eyes open only to slits, you're ensconced this halo of warmth and security that I can only compare to being in the arms of your lover.
I can see why people become addicted to this stuff... >///<