i do not understand how people can enjoy this ad at all makes me want to kill myself for even associating with anime tbh
was the worst 30 seconds of my life tbqh
Rei and Asuka You have one, you can't have both
The comments are just as bad
I want to die
Is this real?
i mean... at least i assume they had fun making it
also they're portraying anime the wrong way imo... this would make a lot of people who might have wanted to see an anime once turn away bc it's so... ya it'd be nice for more people to see anime in a better light
Why did I watch it for the second time.
Never tried Crunchyroll and now I have a reason not to try it for atleast the next 10 years
Words fail me.
This hurt me in ways I didn't expect to be hurt tonight
I have no idea how to react
People watch these women?
I don't want that shitty crate with that add associated with it.
i don't see what's so bad about this commercial, sure it's autistic as hell but what do you expect
Saikou wrote: i don't see what's so bad about this commercial, sure it's autistic as hell but what do you expect
Just watching this "commercial" made me crave a tall, hearty glass of antifreeze.
... Damn fine Sonico wall scroll, though.
Lokorfi wrote: Wow! ;fgr grethjytk67i5uy9gfeopghey5l[ 'htjmjhtetjykyjrh ehngh l'hrlhjhm[l h' [video=youtube][/video]
;fgr grethjytk67i5uy9gfeopghey5l[ 'htjmjhtetjykyjrh ehngh l'hrlhjhm[l h'