Thought it would be nice to have a Thread where people that are into it can talk about their favorite runs/runners and games they'd like to run. And for those people that are not maybe to get into it. So let me start:
I really like the old Wind Waker any%, sadly almost nobody is running that anymore since the WiiU remake came out.
Dishonored any% is fun to watch as well, as is Shadow of Mordor any% and Mirror's Edge any%. I don't like that many 100% runs, but if I had to name one it would be Chrono Trigger 100%.
I tried to get into Mirror's Edge myself, but my PC sucks to much to actually get good at kick-glitching. Other Games I'd love to run would be Dishonored, but I only have the console version, and Stuff like Elevator-glitch doesn't work all that good on there.