So would there be any video game that currently has your attention to the point of near obsession, at least until completion?
I have NOT been able to put MH3U down lately. The game is addictive as thirty hells.
My current obsession is Mount and Blade, I stay up until 3am (almost) every day playing it.
Ive been playing starfox adventures on the gamecube for ages now xD Its such a good game 😃DD
Lots of mobile games right now, particularly Guns Girl School DayZ.
lots and lots of Touhou
I am currently obsessed with Hawken.
Assassins Creed Unity.
ets brety gud.
Osu. As always.
Techno wrote: Osu. As always.
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The only game I've been playing for the past month or so has been Super Smash Bros. Melee. One thing I must say about it is that, "That ain't Falco".
does League of Legends count?
Meoki wrote: does League of Legends count?
I guess League sort of counts as a vidja. You should try smite. In my personal oppinion it is a lot better than League in so many ways.