So, did you ever want to play any of those MMORPGs you might have heard about? No, not Dota, League of Legends or Rocket League, just MMORPGs. If so, or if you play/played any of them, this is the place for you. Recommendations, looking for pals to play with or questions in general will be found here. If the thread succeeds, anyway. >_<
As for myself, I'm currently looking to play pretty much any MMORPG.
I used to play AION and currently redownloaded it, so I might be starting over if I find some people willing to play as well. I'd suggest looking through the page to see if it's something that's up your alley. It has two factions, rivaling with each other, both with same classes (there's 11 of those, so a lot of stuff to try out). The game plays typically PvE until level 50 (with optional PvP area you can access), then it's PvE and PvP at the same time, late game is pretty much dungeons/PvE. You're free to grind to get what you want, but if you don't do it, you might obtain pretty nice gear nonetheless, so there's that. Oh, also, the game's skill-heavy, so each class has a whole lot of skills (around 60-70?) with optional skills that you decide on. The crafting system is pretty good, if used wise it can be a source of steady income - though hitting the Master level with it is a lot of tough work. There's also guilds, housing, pets and pretty much anything you'd want from such a game (especially the gear), so if you see something you like, nothing's preventing you from trying it. I'm currently using the US client (so NCSOFT one), since European is really limited for free users, while US offers everything for free.
Other games I have are Wildstar and TERA Rising (non-Steam version since they removed the game from Steam in Europe). I'm still looking for more fun games, so if you know any, be sure to let me know!
P.S. will probably be playing Blade & Soul and Black Desert once they come out in 2016.