I have now tried for several minutes to begin a reply and specify one mark on society that we should improve on. I could not seem to come down to one problem but several.
Of course saying that, it will definitely include politics, power and religion.
But all of those three are marks that will never change no matter how much you pressure it.
I can't be the person to specify one problem nor several, I would rather suggest we discover them before focusing on wide subbed themes.
Now, trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth, but if you try and define society you will see and discover numberous things that are bad and good such as violence, abuse of drugs and so on.
But from a strictly scientific point of view there really is nothing wrong with the world. It is just how people see it and keep doing it after generations.
Let us make a scenario then, ok?
Let us say 5 monkeys were in a cave, the cave was empty and had one banana in the top of a ladder. The first monkey that went up to grab the banana wanted it for just well basic reasons of selfishness which is basic and common sense. The other monkey however were watered with cold water making them hurt in a phsical and mental way.
Then when the monkey went down he got dragged into a shame way of society that surrounded him considering the brain that the monkey had as they were calculating whether what his actions did made an effect towards the other ones.
Next day another monkey goes for the banana and the same happens, he gets the banana but is beaten when he comes down as the others are making a mark stating that if he climbs the latter to achieve a banana he will cause others harm. Now he understood that.
So it went on till the last and every monkey knew going up on the ladder is basically causing them trouble. The scientists changed their strategy by going by generation and tradition. Each 3 days the changed one of the older monkies that had been there and abused another monkey. While changing monkies the new ones adapted to the tradition of beating up every person going up the ladder. This went on and at the end there was only "new" monkies left knowing that if you climb the ladder you will get beaten.
While at the same time every other monkey in there that was also "new" knew that they had to beat up their friend going up the ladder but they had no idea why BECAUSE no new monkey tried to climb and as a result there were no more actions towards the "new" monkies as they had just adapted from their previous generation.
It is weird how society adapts to laws and rules and obeys them but nobody can really strictly say "why" it would be followed such as judgement.
Too much trouble considering society.
First step is to get to know your own boundaries and know that you have a limited time and be okey with death and so on and forget that it is "painful" because it is not painful, it is the society around you that you have adapted to, that has said that it hurts to lose someone. To lose someone hurts for you and you only considering your own pain.
Oh god I went off-topic there for a second so excuse me.
Work on ourselves a bit before we judge the society but if I was to mark down one thing strictly
It would be by long shot , globalwarming.
Now excuse me for my philosophical stands.