She raises some valid points, although expressing said points is not her strong suit. If you are obese, and it isn't inherited, then you are ruining your own body by eating, not exercising and of the like. Obviously I don't agree with her expression, but I do agree that it is your own fault if you ruined yourself, and obesity is by no means a disease. Fuck, if obesity is a disease, does that mean that being homosexual is as well? That was a point raised by a comedian, which one is irrelevant, and I did change the wording quite a bit (as well as the main point), but I'm sure that it gets across the same idea just as effectively. Of course like any mentally stable human being, I do not agree with her, or the video (at least not to the fullest extent, as she is a shitty human being) completely (just pointing this out again before anyone responds to this post, if anyone does).
That aside, let's be honest, this video was most likely just for attention, and that's clearly what she got, whether positive or negative. Welcome to the internet, I suppose. But let's just shine the light in a different direction, if you see a video like this, you're only helping the creator, so rather than posting a video like this, maybe it's in your best interest to simply ignore it next time. Aye, @"Jebbika"?