Mecha - Robots often mean extremely boring political plots.
Bishounen - Hate the art style, it's usually the style seen on old school yaoi, Boy Love, or things typically targeted towards females. (maybe im not supposed to like it)
Bad art direction - You see this a lot in horror titles... it's like they are doing their own form of censorship by drawing everything like shit... Requium From teh Darkness  was trying to be dramatic or something, but what happened was low detailed pictures which were mostly black with animation that ran at the speed of a slideshow.
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Excessive Nudity (what? Yes, really.) - Anime like Freezing, where tits just come out for no reason. It's dumb to do this while having a plot that takes itself so seriously. It doesn't fit. Where it does work: Highschool of the Dead
Intentually Cryptic Plot - Madoka Magicka's cryptic nature was uncontested until it was usurped by Yuri Kuma. Yuri Kuma takes the convolution to an entirely new level, and the only reason they do this is to be pretentiously "artistic." Â Also, Soul Taker. That anime was SHIT! Arrrgh and Lain... LAAAIIINN!!!!Â
I didn't notice this with Akame Ga Kill... Mine was the only one who truly loved Tatsumi, Make-up Chick Just had a crush, possibly out of resentment for Mine. Leone was just flirting with him..... to piss off Mine.